Hi there, all you Home Caregivers.

Posted on  by Tony and Louise James

“A big welcome from us both to Music-n-Care!”

We’re so glad you found us, and we understand just why you are here!

Are you one of the growing number of Home Caregivers ?

Let’s see, …………. is this you ?

  • Almost certainly you are a truly caring person.
  • You want to ensure that your loved one is as comfortable as they can be
  • You wish there was a way you could lift their spirits more often
  • You’d love to spend more ‘quality’ time with them
  • You wonder how you can further enrich their lives and your own
  • You would love some support and encouragement

If you can relate to the above then you have certainly come to the right place !

Why we feel we can help you.

Tony and Louise Home Caregiver coaches
Tony and Louise James

We are Tony and Louise James and we are so pleased to welcome you to our site, ‘MusicnCare’.  We have set this up to help and support people like yourself. Folks who are dedicated to enriching the lives of those who are being ‘cared for’ in a personal or family home. People like you who are a Home Caregiver (or Carer at Home, depending on where you live i.e. which side of the pond!)

From our own experience we understand what it is like to juggle everyday tasks. Especially those that run, or help to run, a household. At the same time we want to give the care and attention to our loved ones that they so deserve.

We’re sure you will agree this is often even tougher for those who are living with some form of illness . This includes dementia (for example Alzheimer’s), or simply advancing years.

Haven’t you found that this is especially true when you are trying to give a particular type of support. Commercial care organisations often find little time to give mental support ? Most of these do an excellent job of catering for the comfort and physical needs of, their ‘carees’ or clients. However, even when the caregivers want to share more with their clients, they simply don’t have the time to.

As humans, even in good health, we have a basic need for more than just our physical comfort. We all need love, a sense of being cared for, being recognised, and feeling a part of our world. We need to share and participate with others, through the best forms of communication that we have available or are able to use. That’s why it is especially beneficial to use music in our everyday contact with those we love and care for.


 A Challenge for the home caregiver

We’re sure you that are aware that this can often be a challenge for you as the home caregiver. It is often easy to recognize physical needs, or the caree is able to convey them by some means. Sometimes however, the emotional needs described above are often not so obvious or apparent.

How many times have you felt that you have done all in your power to ensure that your loved one is clean, well nourished and has a healthy diet. Because of your loving attention they are as physically comfortable as you can make them. However, you’re aware that there still seems to be ‘something else‘, needed to lift their spirits, to stimulate and enliven them.

A Deeper Bonding

This is the mission we have; that we might through this website enable you to provide that ‘something else’. At the same time make the best use of what precious time you have. We would love to help you to enjoy a deeper bonding, an interactive and even fun relationship. Both your loved one and yourself will benefit by sharing memories, music and meaningful conversations.

Through the Blog articles, newsletters, and our research-backed, music-based,  * “Magic Moments” sessions, we will endeavour to provide support and a friendly interactive community. Our aim – to help make your life, and that of the one you care for, even more rewarding, more enjoyable. Stay tuned, keep in touch, and become part of our community of home caregivers. Those who share our passion for making life better for those that you care for and for you the home caregiver.

*Watch out for a soon to be announced launch date!

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Welcome! — 5 Comments

  1. Patricia Newby on  at 4:02 pm said: This sounds really good. There are many people in a situation where they need support. This will be very helpful for them. Reply ↓
    • Tony James on May 13, 2020, at 5:15 pm said: Thank you for your kind words. You are so right regarding ‘many people’. There are over 850,000 people living with dementia just in the UK and while many are living in care homes, many thousands are being cared for by partners, relatives, friends and professional home care workers. (If you know anybody caring at home and think we may be able to help, please point them in our direction Reply ↓
  2. Jonathan Jones on May 9, 2020, at 10:15 am said: As a carer myself, l can relate to so much of what you flag up to think about. We do the routine things but you are always searching for the quality of time moments too which you can share.
    You also wrestle with your own ‘guilt’ – is there anything else l can do ?’ Or have l missed anything out’ Plus you are often exhausted
    I think this website offers the opportunity to think more widely and to explore those quality time issues by two people who seem to have a lot of ‘hands-on ‘ experience and who really seem to care. I will carry on reading….Reply ↓
    • Tony James on May 9, 2020, said: Thank you so much for visiting and your encouraging comments. We look forward to sharing more with you and the many others who find themselves in a similar situation. Look out for more on here by checking out our ongoing series of Blogs for helpful ideas and inspiration.Reply ↓

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